Why Should I Write My Testimony?
How many times have you been inspired by something you read or heard? There are many people dealing with emotional and physical issues that need some inspiration of their own.
You testimony can help them to understand
that the strength of your faith and belief in Jesus Christ has made your life much better.
As Christians, it is our scriptural duty to let everyone know how Jesus has changed our life through our testimony. You might be thinking, “Who is it going to help?”
The answer is; if it helps many great; but if it help just one isn’t that is a miracle?!
So, how do write your testimony? Below we have help to get you started on proclaiming your life in Jesus Christ.
How to Write Your Testimony Ideas
Testimonies are not only stories of God’s glorious deeds, but they are also the way we now live with our new identity in Jesus Christ through our actions and the choices we make everyday.
This is the time to mention how God has changed your life and how following Jesus Christ is making your life much better. Testimonies encourage others in their faith, and that is why it is God’s will for Christians to share their testimony, even if they are new believers.
Daniel 4:2 “It is my pleasure to tell you about the miraculous signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed for me.”
Your experiences can help others facing the same obstacles, and inspire others who seek to discover the God that completely changed you. Every time we tell our testimony, we give honor and glory to God.
No matter how “spectacular” or “ordinary”, you think it is; it is ultimately about God’s character. It is your account of how God rescued you and changed your life as a result.
Don’t be afraid to fully explain the tough/bad details in your testimony; because there are others going through the same thing.
And your testimony may lead others to a relationship with God. Of course, that is the reason we write testimonies. To help others find God and Jesus in their lives.
Psalm 66:16 “Come and hear, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.”
Steps to Writing Your Personal Testimony
These steps are designed to help you write your Christian testimony and help you realize that your testimony has power.
Some Bible verses for inspiration:
Matthew 10:32 “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.”
Study Other Testimonies.
Read the testimony of Apostle Paul in Acts 26 where he describes in detail his miraculous encounter with Jesus and his calling to serve Christ as an apostle. You can also read the testimonies of others, and they might give you some ideas and motivation to write yours.
Spend Time in Preparation and Prayer.
Pray and ask God to help you share what he wants you to write.
Additional Ideas and Thoughts:
Use related Bible verses that fit your situation. You can find them by doing a search at: www.biblegateway.com. Here you can search words specific to your story and find a related Bible verse. Quick, easy, and free to use. Just type in a word in your story into the search
bar; then related Bible verse will be listed. Read them and pick the ones that work with your testimony.
Be ready to personally share your testimony. We never know if someone might ask us how coming to Jesus Christ has changed your life. Sometimes the timing to share is very short. Some say it is time it takes for a match to go out. If you want to practice, light a match then tell your story; once the match goes out you should be finished.
This is why preparation and practice will be so important. Keep in mind you are telling the story of God in your life, so it should be momentous to any listener. Share how God has impacted your life to everyone…everywhere!
A Quick Overview
- Pray before you write out and share your story.
- Write the way you speak.
- Don’t be overly negative or positive. Be honest.
- Don’t criticize or name any church, denomination, person, organization, etc.
- Avoid overly-religious terms.
- Keep it short and tell your story in a lighted match time.
- Write a short and long version to publish.
- Practice telling your story until it becomes natural.
Remember, we all need to testify to how our lives have been changed to encourage others to come to or return to Jesus. And it is needed now at this time when everyone is divided.
Sharing Your Testimony

From Hurtful to Compassionate
I am a witness to all I have seen, done and heard.
I grew up in New Jersey as a child and went to church on Sunday with my family (two brothers and two sisters) in a humble but poor home. I was a street corner teen influenced by peer pressure with fighting and getting into trouble at school. but it showed that I was out-of-control.
I was influenced by TV and movies to be like the characters portrayed. My attitude was hard, tough, uncaring, judgmental, short-fused and, thinking I was better than most. Oh yeah, and I was definitely a sinner who creates more unexpected problems in my life.
1 John 3:4 “Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness.”
I was a divorced and crappy as a Father of a beautiful Daughter, a lousy work ethic, and someone who was truly lost walking around not knowing why or even what was next in life.
First Sign: My first unknown-to-me sign of Divine intervention came as I was driving on a highway approaching an elevated curve (This was in the 1960’s). I was doing the speed limit when I heard a voice yell out my name. “JOHN!” I instantly realized I must have dozed off. If I had kept going without waking I would have driven off the curve to plunge at least 50 feet to the highway below. I got back into control of the car and continued on my journey not to think about the incident again for many years
Second Sign: I was attending a public speaking course (late 1970’s) for an ad agency I worked for to improve my client meeting talks. We all had to do a talk in front of everyone to see what we really learned. At the end of my talk several attendees commented out loud, “You should have been a preacher.” I thought about the comments for a few minutes and then they left my mind. A second unknown-to-me sign of Divine intervention?
Third Sign: This one took a little while to manifest in my mind (2017) after getting scriptural help from Jean (my wife and a long-time faithful believer). It started with a few simple bible based designs. Here are the links to the full story which is too long to put here:
As you can tell I still really had no idea of what Divine intervention was, when, or if it happened but once I realized it my path was forming.
John 14:26 “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”
I finally accepted Christ Jesus as my Lord and savior and then things changed for the best.
Another Sign: I was attempting to move a fruit tree in the backyard that was about 6-7′ tall. I dug all around and was pretty tired (I am not young but not as old as dirt yet, and have a lung issue). My heart was pounding and I didn’t think I could finish but the tree was partially out of the ground at this point. So I paused for a moment and ask God to give me the strength to finish and slow my racing heart. Within a few seconds (quicker than if I stopped for about 10 minutes to get it back to normal) my heart rate was normal and I was able to drag the tree 8′ to the newly dug hole. Needless to say but I was amazed at HIS power and completely spent.
Again: This is another working in the yard project. My shoulders are shot. I need a replacement in one and an arthroscopic in the other. So lifted and digging is not easy since the pain can be excruciating. I needed to lay down some pebble stones in the front by moving 50 lb. bags. This wasn’t easy but once again I took the time and to pray to HIM for the strength and keep my shoulders pain free. The pain slowly subsided and I was able to get that project done. By the way I did eventually get cortisone shots in the shoulders.
More: I am sure without a doubt there are many more Divine interventions I don’t remember but at least these are the ones I can testify to.
Matthew 10:20 “For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.”
I truly believe the verse in Matthew 10:20 because I have experienced it first hand and once you accept the Holy Spirit you will too. God works one way and the Devil works another. I am now following God because my life is much better.
I learned through the Holy Spirit how to listen more intently with people and that gave me much more insight into their feelings when having conversations. At times I can even feel the emotions of the person I am talking with and that gives me the feeling of really listening.
My Final Thoughts.
I was a really bad person. Angry, judgmental, tough acting, uncaring, cold and mean spirited, quick to anger, and stressed out for a lot of years of my life.
Now I feel that since I accepted Jesus and the Holy Spirit into my life I am less stressed, calm, caring, giving to others, and helping those who need it as well as those who ask for help. I quickly apologize when I am wrong and ask for forgiveness from that person and the Lord.
2 Corinthians 5:17 “ Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”
Jesus has completely changed my life and in a very short time from an evil person to a good one. I had no idea it was starting many years ago but took my mind time to catch up. Jesus does work miracles especially if He can change me.
My Comment to You
Allow Jesus and the Holy Spirit to come into your life and see how much of a good change can occur. Of course, you still need to have faith and belief. Mine has grown considerably in the last few years. Questions or comments, feel free to email me at: mailto:john@ourdividedworld.com
H John.
May you have all the blessings of the Lord.