The Out-Of-Control Rapture Nuts

The Out-Of-Control Rapture Nuts

Why is everybody worried about the rapture? Seems that everyone is trying to figure out when it might occur by guessing and not fully understanding the scriptures. Even those writing the silly rapture books to help people understand about how the rapture works and what you should do to be prepared. Read the Holy Bible for free to be prepared.

Many, including priests and pastors are scurrying around confused and dazed about the rapture. Hmm… that’s also in the Bible about minds being debased. I wonder?

So, why are they concerned? Is it because they need their suitcases packed, or to get some projects done before hand? My advice is to pack the suitcases, and leave them where you can get to them quickly and get those projects completed!

Courtesy Katy Veldhorst-Pixabay

Ridiculous? Absolutely! And so is this back and forth about the rapture on social media sites.

Wait a minute. I think I just figured out why the back and forth. Someone wants to be the one who guesses when it will happen. That’s it! The one who gets it right can tell those who are left behind that they were right. Hold on. They can’t tell anyone if they are raptured, because they won’t be here to say anything, so that is also idiotic.

Could it be that they want to be known as the expert on the subject? Yes. But what does that get them? A degree or diploma? The thanks of those who read the posts? Naw. None of those since each person posting is they to outdo the other and prove their superior knowledge!

Posts such as “I know the Greek version,” or “I have been studying the rapture since before you,” even “I learned about if from my highly regarded religious people.” All make no sense or even logic.

Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.
Hebrews 12:14

You can keep guessing from now until it happens and you still won’t get it right.

Now I think I am on to something. It seems that they are trying to prove they are smarter than the other commentators, otherwise why debate back and forth to no end? Pride? Yep! They are prideful they are correct. However, that goes against the Lord’s word on the subject of pride.

Perhaps they hope to convince non-believers or those not sure that there is a rapture? This could be but are there any non-believers in those chats? Not likely.

Rapture Nuts

For those who have nothing better to do than to debate the rapture, try this. The Lord doesn’t even know when it will happen but you think you can figure it out. What does that make you? Better and smarted than the Lord?

Stop trying to prove something that you can’t possibly prove or show people how religiously smart or intelligent you are. The only thing you are proving is that you really don’t know anything.


Read the actual Holy Bible words, and pass them on to others, so they may become filled with the Holy Spirit, and “Be ready because He will come as a thief in the night.”

Rapture Definition
rapture (noun) · raptures (plural noun) · Rapture (noun) · the Rapture (noun)
a feeling of intense pleasure or joy:
"Leonora listened with rapture"
(raptures) expressions of intense pleasure or enthusiasm about something:
"the tabloids went into raptures about her"
(according to some millenarian teaching) the transporting of believers to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ: "thousands of Christians gathered outside Rochester and other cities, awaiting the Rapture"

You want to be prepared, and I understand that. But preparation for the rapture means to read your Holy Bible daily, strengthen your faith and belief and repent of your sins only to Jesus Christ directly (a note for the Catholics). Now you will be ready!

Blessings to you from Our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father.

H John & Jean Johnsen
Our Divided World Ministry

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