The Rapture. What Really Happens?

The Rapture. What Really Happens?

What really happens immediately during & after the Rapture?

In simple terms… CHAOS!

What emotions take over to those left behind? Chaos, panic, crying, pleading, anxiety, cursing, screaming, upset, anger, hate, and you can add any other words you think will fit this list in the worst way possible.

The Rapure What Really

Everyone who is raptured will be immediately removed from whatever they are doing and simply disappear. That’s right disappear no matter what they are doing since they won’t have any idea until as it happens to them.

So, what does that mean for the person working with those who are raptured? Surprise, panic, an accident and even death. Death is the unusual explanation. How does death happen?

Think about all jobs and the people working them. Some jobs are office work, truck drivers, pilots, ship captains, oil workers, heavy equipment operators, industrial workers, and many other jobs.

Try to imagine driving down the highway, and the Rapture happens, and you are still here you will have to deal with hundreds of driver less vehicles. Accidents and death everywhere. If you are in an airplane and the captain and co pilot vanish, who is flying the plane? Industrial plant workers who disappear while the equipment is in full operation with other workers down the line hoping to be safe during operations. Police who disappear during crimes with no one to stop the criminals. Doctors and nurses in the middle of a surgery all gone, what happens to the patient left behind?


Eventually, people will have to fight off others to survive because many of the true Christian first responders will be gone and there will only be a few to protect a huge hen house of people from the wolves. There will not be enough police to stop most crimes that will be rampant everywhere, and evil will surface as a huge wave that will be unstoppable by no one.

INSIGHT: You can hear Chris Christensen (Harvard Business) speaking about the importance of religion in our society on our website here: It is about half way down the page and I would suggest you listen to his story.

Then the personal attacks will start with one blaming another for not being giving the right biblical information about this Rapture thing. Other half-way believers will cry saying “You didn’t tell me correctly and now what am I going to do?” Or, “I never believed Alice or Mike when they told me,” or mostly even, “That Pastor/Preacher/Clergy didn’t tell our congregation about the Rapture or even what to do before it happens, plus they never even mentioned sin or sinning!”

Food and supplies will be in short demand because many trucks, tankers and boats are missing key personnel and no longer moving, so supplies will not be delivered and food will rot.

As this chaos spreads, people will be crying for someone to take over and calm everything down, and to gain control everywhere. This will become the Antichrist, as biblically predicted.


Many Christians talk about the rapture like they know what is going to happen and when. I guess they have a suitcase ready for the trip to the clouds. I know that sounds silly, and it is supposed to show you how some think. However, the Holy Bible tells us only God knows when the Rapture will happen. Jesus Christ, His Son doesn’t even know!

How many will be raptured you might be wondering? I don’t know but it will be millions or even billions. It really doesn’t matter. Your only concern might be wondering what I might be doing when the Rapture actually happens, but if you are in the middle of a drug deal, stealing, killing or robbery, it really won’t matter anyway.

Also, a lot of homes will be looted since many homeowners will not be returning, and killings, rape, torture will happen while many in groups and caravans will be seeking out food and supplies. It will be very similar to movies showing the future when people are traveling to survive. If you prefer a reference point you might want to watch Mad Max or, my favorite The Book of Eli. I am sure there are many others because, I believe many plots are actually taken from the Holy Bible without referencing it in the credits.


So, what can you do to prepare for the rapture? Nothing. You can’t “prepare” for the Rapture, but as a Christian you can be ready. How? By strengthening your faith, accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and repenting of your sins directly to Jesus Christ.

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31

Should you be scared? Not as a true Christian because it gives us HOPE in an eternal life with our Lord and Savior. Should the non-Christians be scared? Not about the Rapture, but about the turmoil to follow.

If you happen to be a non-believer and read this you should consider the possibilities. This is NOT to scare you or force you into being a Christian. Being a Christian takes time and is not a quick “I’m being saved from the Rapture” scenario. If it something you really want to consider, you should speak to some Christians that could guide you on that path.

For those who are Christians I used the word TRUE. That means a person who has truly accepted Jesus Christ, repents of his sins directly to Him and stops sinning.

Of course, you may not know any Christians, so you can always contact us directly with our emails below and we can guide you. Blessing to you and with a hope for your everlasting life.

John-Jean Johnsen

H John & Jean
Our Divided World Ministry

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