Unusual Questions In Instagram About God

Unusual Questions In Instagram About God

This was taken from a post on Instagram written by Ben Andrews in the Religion Discussion Group

His comment: “Here are a few important questions for theists, whether they are part of the general public, scientists, clergy, or philosophers, that must be addressed.” I’m not sure why they “must be addressed,” or who the answers will benefit, but I have decided to answer the questions anyway. Here are his exact questions on Instagram:

1. Where did God (or any gods) come from?
2. Why isn’t there a uniform, universal religion if a god exists?
3. Why did God wait hundreds of thousands of years to reveal its existence to humanity?
4. Why does God need humans to write texts to disclose its presence, and why are those texts so diverse and often contradictory?
5. Why are the major world religions relatively young, only a few thousand years old, while religious beliefs and practices existed long before writings?
6. Why did God create diseases and only provide humanity with the knowledge to fight them in the last few hundred years?
7.Why does God allow the existence of so many conflicting religions, often resulting in hated and violence?
8. why do natural disasters -typhoons, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, meteor impacts-occur if a benevolent deity is in control?
9. Why has 99% of all life forms on Earth gone extinct?
10. Why is there no verifiable evidence of a supernatural realm, and why must we die to allegedly experience eternal happiness or suffering?

I did notice that Ben must believe in God since he capitalized the name, but did not when writing “or an gods, and if a god exists.” I feel that most of these questions have real answers, and not the kind a preacher or clergy will use such as “We don’t question God,” or “Read your Bible.”

Unusual Questions

Those are the kind of answers they use because they have no idea of what to say, and seminary taught them not to question the Holy Bible. But, when it comes to faith, there are a lot of questions that will be wondered and pondered and eventually need to be answered… by someone.

So, here are my answers being a true Christian, disciple and Holy Bible reader (in case you are wondering):

1. Where did God (or any gods) come from?

This one is relatively simple. God came from a place where we have no idea, thought, guesstimate or logical or illogical thoughts. How could we possibly know? We assume we have the answers to every question ever asked, but we don’t. Some things are extremely beyond our comprehension.

Sure you can guess about where, but what would you guess that sounds reasonable? Let’s guess – from nowhere, or, from empty space. Sounds weird and not possible, but the expanse of our knowledge is limited. I believe there is no answer to this question. Not even from AI since it only uses the knowledge we already have.

2. Why isn’t there a uniform, universal religion if a god exists?

Once more, it comes back to free-will. God has given us free will to make our lives better or screw it up. Having a uniform religion removes free-will and freedom of choice, which is another slogan for free-will.

3. Why did God wait hundreds of thousands of years to reveal its existence to humanity?

Once again, I think attempting to question why God does something is similar to question number one. I can say, in my thinking, how was the time period of “hundreds of thousands of years” calculated? I know, a question as an answer. Now, to wait for the answer from the original writer.

4. Why does God need humans to write texts to disclose its presence, and why are those texts so diverse and often contradictory?

This one is pretty simple. If God is beyond our thinking, how would He communicate with us? Would His voice be so loud as to destroy our eardrums? Or scramble our brains and nervous systems? It would make sense to use people on the earth to write down His words, and why not?

As far as diverse or contradictory it all depends on the reader of the texts. Contradictions occur because some read only parts of a scripture and others read all of it. This leads to a misunderstanding of the written words. It is obvious through all of the religious groups on Instagram and how they get into debates about who is right.

I’m not sure what the “diverse” word is about but would have to assume it is from social media that has a big tendency of skewing the words of the Holy Bible.

My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long.
Psalm 71:8

5. Why are the major world religions relatively young, only a few thousand years old, while religious beliefs and practices existed long before writings?

I guess this comes down to confirming that the true historical timing of other writings, and what are the other belief and practices? However, I will go out on a limb here and write about how old is the earth which has different numbers by different scientists.

6. Why did God create diseases and only provide humanity with the knowledge to fight them in the last few hundred years?

This is a typical question to go against God. God didn’t create the diseases… we did, and God created people as doctors and scientists to find way to combat the diseases. Look back on all the diseases, and health problems and you will see we created all of them. And we are still doing the same thing with products and medications.

Many products are produced with questionable chemicals and we use them for food preparation. Most medications are needed for the diseases we created, while those same medications create additional health issues as you can see on the prescription paperwork and on TV commercials.

7.Why does God allow the existence of so many conflicting religions, often resulting in hated and violence?

God is non-religious. Even Jesus Christ was not teaching religion. Humans created the different religious groups from Christianity. The violence and hatred was caused by splits in main religious groups into smaller ones, however greed played the biggest role.

And the largest religious groups decided to enhance their power through violence and greed for land and money, which is written throughout history and continues even today. However, once again, God gave us free-will to decide how to live, but also warned us about hatred, greed and violence being the wrong way.

This also comes down to whether you believe in good and evil. It is impossible to deny their existence since you hear and read about it everyday. You have a choice to be a nice person and do good, or be a bad person and rob someone. Your choice.

8. Why do natural disasters -typhoons, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, meteor impacts-occur if a benevolent deity is in control?

This question is to assume the benevolent deity is creating the events. What about the possibility of the events being created by evil? Perhaps, if the benevolent deity is God, it may be because He wants us to be close to Him, but that would depend on if you believe in God and His word in the Holy Bible.

9. Why has 99% of all life forms on Earth gone extinct?

This one is a head stumper. If 99% of all life is extinct, why are there so many animals, plants, amphibians, birds, insects, reptiles and people populating the whole earth. Perhaps the number might have been 9% extinct and that would make more sense. The answer to that is humans. We extinct life forms for greed and power by taking over their habitats.

10. Why is there no verifiable evidence of a supernatural realm, and why must we die to allegedly experience eternal happiness or suffering?

How can you verify supernatural realm, and why would it be verifiable? It’s supernatural… unverifiable. The second part to this question refers back to the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ. The answer is that we all eventually die, but what happens after that depends on what you believe. If you have a choice between eternal happiness or suffering which would you choose? However, the allegedly part of the question refers to if you are not a Christian believer or not sure about believing. As I mentioned in an answer above – we have free-will to chose.

No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.
Luke 8:16

Now, I am not sure if this satisfies the writer with these answers to his questions. I avoided any scriptural or Holy Bible references which are given by most people, pastors and clergy. Looking for answers with difficult questions can be hard to find, but if you think about the question, and understand all the words, you should be able to answer within the realm of somewhat intelligent. I hope I did that.

If you have any questions or comments please leave in the “Comments Box”
or email us directly at the emails below.

Blessings to you from our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father.

John-Jean Johnsen

H John & Jean
Our Divided World Ministry

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