Why Do Christians Judge?

Why Do Christians Judge? Unpacking the Psychology Behind Quick Criticism

You may not believe this, but I am a Christian. Although I actually call myself a Jesus follower and true believer.

So, why have I written this post? Because, I have become weary of hearing, from Atheists, skeptics and even non-believers that they are told by some “Christians” that they will all go to hell if they don’t come to God. You noticed I wrote some? That’s because many Christians help spread His word and not judgment.

And in my opinion, that is not the way if works. According to the Lord, you need to pass on your testimony, not judgment. God does that. As true Christians we have no right to judge anyone.

Why Do Christians Judge

Who are these so-called Christians? They feel they are doom and gloom Sayers, the I know more than you about scripture, and I must warn you but in a more negative way type of people. In my opinion hypocrites. That’s right Christian hypocrites!

You are probably wondering why they act the way they do passing judgment? Here are a few things they like to say, and I will elaborate on each one:

I Always Go To Church.
This comment is beyond silly and has nothing to do with being a good Christian. All is shows is a commitment to go to church. Church is just a building, and even Satan might be in attendance, unknown, right next to a parishioner. Do you know who you are sitting next to, or who is near you?

I Am Not A Sinner.
This is absolutely ridiculous, unless you are Jesus Christ. Today the world is full of sin and sinful events you may not even know you are attending. Show me anyone who can watch a movie and not, even briefly, have a sinful thought. Of course, if you live in a cave it would be possible.

I Always Pray.
Praying is great. It’s what you do through out your day that counts. Do you lie, cheat, steal, etc? If so, then you prayer is useless to God.

I Am Always Nice and Show Comfort Even In Tough Times.
This is great as long as you do it with family and friends and not just strangers. How do you react with politics or religion? What about an argument? On social media?

I Donate To The Church.
A waste of money and another pride based thought. Donating to homeless shelters, and sharing centers makes a very big direct impact on the poor population. Put your money there, or help an elderly neighbor where your money can be put to better use.

Christian Judge

I Do Not Question God And His Plans.
You can’t grow personally, spiritually or emotionally if you don’t question or try to better understand the written word. God has no problem with you questioning. As a matter of fact, you should ask Him directly.

I Know The Holy Bible Very Well And Not Just Memorized.
This is excellent as long as you practice what you have learned and pass it on to others as Jesus told us to do.

I Am Always Happy And Polite And Everyone Has Rough Times.
Being happy and polite is great, but what do you do when times are rough? Are you mean and nasty? When you have a rough time look to the Lord for help and guidance.

I Agree With Every Church Teaching.
This is silly and ridiculous, but when you grow up believing everything the church does or says is church law, then it makes sense. Learn to think for yourself as a Christian and read the Holy Bible daily and look to the Lord for guidance on church issues you are not really sure about.

I Do Not Have Sinful Thoughts.
This could possibly be a miracle, but it is most likely not true. Every one of use have sinful thoughts, even occasionally, but we ask God for forgiveness, especially if they are big sinful thoughts.

I Am Always Present In Bible Studies.
This is great, unless you are doing it for recognition, which in the Bible is pride. You should go to Bible studies to learn more about His word to strengthen your faith.

I Publicly Display My Faith.
Any signs of public display of faith is pride. Displays of faith should be done in private as the Bible tells us. Of course, if you are carrying a sign for others to read, it is acceptable.

Most of these thoughts show no concern for people and everyday life. Some are outright lies and not even possible in the world today, unless you live under a rock, and others are pride and not part of Christian teachings or God’s word.

Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.
Galatians 6:1

The Holy Bible is full of information to guide you on your daily path, and help you stay on it when the world and Satan wants you to fall off.

Strengthen your faith through the Holy Spirit and keep it strong by praying, in private, everyday. And keep this in mind – we are not judges, no matter how connected to God or Jesus we feel. Telling others they will go to hell for not believing is against Gods will and making a judgment.

If you want to try to help others find their way to the Lord, do it will love, compassion and understanding. Tell them how much God has helped you in your life, and He will help them if they let Him. Being mean, nasty or judgmental will never guide anyone anywhere.

Special Note: This is to those who, may or may not be reading this that have been moved away from Christianity by these people. I would like to apologize for them, and tell you they are just a small group, and should not be associated with the Christian religion. Why? Because they do everything contrary to the Holy Bible.

If you have any questions, comments or thoughts you would like to share, we would love to hear from you! Write them in the comments box or send us a private email listed below.

John-Jean Johnsen

H John & Jean
Our Divided World Ministry

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