27 Bible Facts You May Not Know

27 Bible Facts You May not Know

We put together a small list of some interesting bible facts. Let us know if you have any of your own.

Slogans that are used today but created centuries ago:
Red at night – Matthew 16:2,3
Nothing new under the sun – Ecclesiastes 1:9
A few good men (this may surprise you) – Matthew 22:14
Ashes to ashes – Genesis 3:19 (God to Adam)
Render unto Caesar – Mark 12:17
Handwriting on the wall – Book of Daniel
An eye for an eye – Exodus 21:23-25
Am I your brother’s keeper? – Genesis 4:9

Who were the original vegetarians? Genesis 1-2

Nimrod (a derogatory statement today) – The world’s first warrior and mighty man – Genesis 10,8,9

Two people that never died – Enoch (Genesis 5:25 – Elijah (2 Kings 2)

1st Christian Martyr – Acts 6-8

Where is Noah’s ark? – Genesis 8:4

First completed English Bible – 1300’s – J Wycliffe – Based on Latin Vulgate
First printed Bible (in Latin) – 1456 Gutenberg – Less than 50 copies exist.

Bible chapters:
Shortest – Psalm 117 (2 chapters)
Longest – Psalm 119 (176 verses)
Shortest verse – John 11:35
Shortest book – 3 John – 19 words.

Who were the first Christians? Acts 11:26

Luke was the only gentile of new testament authors

The Ark of the Covenant was only partially solid gold – Exodus 25: 10-22

All Bibles end with 150 total Psalms

God’s explicit writings – Exodus 31:18 – Exodus 32:16 – 1 Chronicles 28:19

Was there a Lady Wisdom? Proverbs 8

Wisdom Bible books – Job / Proverbs / Ecclesiastes

Old Testament Female Prophets (there weren’t just men):
Miriam – Exodus 15:20 / Deborah – Jude 4:4 / Huldah – 2 Kings 22:14 / Noadiah – Nehemiah 6:14

Oldest people: Methuselah (969) – Jared (962) – Noah (950) – Seth (912) – Enosh (905) – Mahalalel (895) – Adam (930)

The greatest gift – 1 Corinthians 13
Most generous person – Mark 12:44

30 pieces of silver to Judas – a very small amount by biblical days standards.

New Testament Female Prophets:
Anna – Luke 2:36 / Philip’s 4 Daughters – Acts 21:9

1st Eclipses: Joel 2:31 / Amos 8:9

1st Earthquakes: Amos 1:1 / Matthew 27: 51-53 / Acts 16:26

1st day of snow! 2 Samuel 23:20

Oldest city: Jericho – 9000 BC

Lowest geographical location: Dead Sea – 1,300’ below sea level

Tallest man- Goliath – 9’5”

Longest continuous history church – the Synagogue- 3rd century

The Fish Symbol? – Used as a secret password for Christians being prosecuted by the Romans, and written as graffiti. Called Ichthus: Jesus Christ, of God the Son, Savior.

Just a fun facts list. If you have any other ideas, please let us know.
John & Jean
Our Divided World

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