How Social Contagion Affects Christian’s -1

How Social Contagion Impacts Christian’s – Part 1

Social contagion, is where individuals are influenced by the attitudes, behaviors, and emotions of those around them, which can significantly impact Christians’ beliefs and faith.

Social contagion is everywhere, and it’s almost impossible to avoid, so you have to be aware of your own moral compass and beliefs. It’s easy to get caught up with others reactions even if you don’t necessarily completely believe in their thinking.

Always be aware of who you are communicating with by checking their social media bio before getting into an individual or group conversation. Christians and Atheists don’t (and most likely won’t) agree, so before debating scripture, you will want to know what they believe, or you can ask them.

I know first hand. I was communicating my Christian thoughts with a non-believer and an Atheist and that went nowhere. Actually they kept responding against me and it was not helpful or fun. I’m not saying to not communicate, just learn as much as you can about their comments before diving in and finding no water.

An FYI: I responded with compassion and usually a blessing. I never went into battle to protect my Christian values or God. God can defend Himself and I am secure in my values and faith.


Here are some ways to guide you through the social media contagion maze:


Community reinforcement can occur if you surrounding yourself with fellow believers which can strengthen your faith and encourage spiritual growth. Observe committed Christians to help inspire you to deepen your own faith.

Find support networks for sharing struggles and triumphs with fellow believers to help foster empathy and resilience.


Spiritual complacency. Being part of a non-believing or anti-Christian group can lead to spiritual stagnation through adopting rigid rules, and expectations from others that can stifle personal faith.

This can also lead to doubt and skepticism, and exposure to criticism or unbelief which can erode confidence in one’s faith.


Emotional contagion can be a big problem if not under control. Catching emotions like enthusiasm, joy, hate, anger or anxiety from others can help or burden your thinking depending on the emotions.

Adopting beliefs or behaviors because others do can alter your faith, while charismatic leaders (speakers and preachers) can shape beliefs, and practices even though they go against your Christian beliefs and faith.


You should always evaluate social and preaching information and beliefs critically.

This means that personal study of the scriptures can help you understand if you are being pulled in the wrong direction. By fostering relationships with believers from different backgrounds, you can have a broader view of the scriptures and understand false preachers as written in the Holy Bible.



Balancing community influence with personal faith requires intentional effort, discernment, and spiritual practices. Here are some strategies:


Foster connections with believers from various backgrounds and perspectives to strengthen your core group, and establish social media limits to maintain a personal spiritual space. Stop communicating if things are getting out-of-control.

And, always evaluate teachings, traditions, and influences of others critically, to avoid being coerced into moving away from your faith.


Study scripture and engage with the Holy Bible to form personal convictions, while regularly seeking God’s guidance and wisdom daily with reflection and prayer. Cultivate and intimate time with God in prayer and with personal devotions.


Spiritual discernment: Seek God’s wisdom to distinguish truth from error, and evaluate comments or teachings against Scripture. To stay grounded in the scriptures surround yourself with mature Christian believers for guidance.



Schedule personal devotion time.
Engage in community activities.
Seek diverse perspectives.
Reflect on your faith journey.


Maintaining spiritual resilience in social media requires intentional practices, self-awareness, and community support. Here are strategies to help:


Rest and relaxation is important in any lifestyle, especially with Christians. Prioritize physical and mental well-being with rest and relaxation. Use exercise and nutrition to maintain physical health. Writing in a journal can help you process emotional thoughts and reflections


Have accountability partners to share struggles, and victories with those who can help you foster meaningful relationships, and seek guidance from mature Christian believers.


Be aware of your emotions as much as possible. It’s easy for problematic and negative things to enter your thinking. Practice understanding, empathy, compassion and kindness to keep yourself in a Christian mode.


Practice gratitude while focusing on blessings, forgiveness and letting go. Release all of your burdens through forgiveness and reconciliation, with perseverance and hope. Always trust in God in prayer to help you through.


Integrating community engagement with personal spiritual growth involves your intentionally connecting with others while deepening your faith. Here are strategies. Join a small group to discuss scripture and share your experiences. Volunteer and serve others through local outreach and food pantries.


Scripture study and reflecting on Bible teachings helps us to connect with God, and as a Christian, intercede for one another.


Schedule community engagement.
Prioritize personal spiritual practices.
Share experiences with others.
Reflect on community impact.


Hebrews 10:24-25: Encouragement to gather and stir one another to love and good works.
1 Corinthians 15:33: Warning against bad company corrupting good character.
Matthew 5:13-16: Call to be salt and light, influencing others positively.
Hebrews 10:24-25: Gather to stir one another to love and good works.
Acts 17:11: Receive teaching with noble-mindedness, examining Scripture.
1 John 4:1: Test spirits to discern truth.
Psalm 23: Trust in God’s guidance.
Romans 5:3-5: Find joy in suffering.
2 Corinthians 12:9-10: Boast in weakness.
Hebrews 10:24-25: Gather to stir one another.
Matthew 22:37-40: Love God and neighbor.
1 Corinthians 12:12-27: Unity in diversity.

Some important questions to think about and answer for yourself:

How do you balance community engagement with personal spiritual growth?
What community activities deepen your faith?
How do you share spiritual insights with others?
How do you prioritize spiritual practices?
What self-care habits enhance your resilience?
How do you cultivate community support?
How do you prioritize personal faith within community influences?
What strategies help you discern truth in teachings?
How do you integrate community engagement with personal spiritual growth?

Social contagion can be a good thing or create problems you may not find your way out of, so be vigilant and aware whenever you enter a social community.

Blessings to you, and if you need help just let us know in the comments box below or directly in one of our emails. Thank you for visiting!

John-Jean Johnsen

H John & Jean
Our Divided World Ministry

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