Separating Religion From Politics

Separating religion from politics in the Christian church is very important.

As Christians, we are called to live out our faith in every aspect of our lives, including our political beliefs and affiliations. However, when it comes to the church environment, it’s essential to maintain a clear separation between religion and politics. Combining the two can lead to confusion, division, and a distorted view of the Gospel.


The Mission of the Church

The primary mission of the church is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ, to disciple believers, and to serve the community by helping those in need. When politics enters the picture, it can shift the focus away from this primary core mission.

Politicians and political ideologies can dominate the conversation, creating an environment where people feel more aligned with a party than with the teachings of Jesus.

Division and Exclusion

Politics can be incredibly divisive, and when brought into the church, it can lead to exclusion of members with differing political views that may feel unwelcome, judged, or even ostracized. This can result in a fragmented community, where people are more focused on their political differences than their shared faith.

The Dangers of Idolatry

When politics and religion combine, there’s a risk of idolatry. Political ideologies and leaders can become, and have become idols, replacing God as the central focus of worship. This can also lead to a distorted view of the Gospel, where political power and influence are prioritized over the teachings of Jesus.

How many influential and TV preachers have been elevated above everyone else, including Jesus?

The Example of Jesus

Jesus himself modeled a separation between religion and politics. He refused to get entangled in political debates or endorse specific candidates. Instead, he focused on preaching the Kingdom of God and serving those in need.

As Christians, we should follow his example and avoid debates or verbal endorsements.

A Call to Unity

By separating religion and politics in the church environment, we can create a space where people from all political backgrounds feel welcome. We can focus on our shared faith, rather than our political differences.

We can work towards unity, rather than division.

While Christians should be engaged in the political process, the church environment should remain a political-free zone. By maintaining this separation, we can ensure that the Gospel remains the central focus, and that our communities remain united in their pursuit of God.

“Of course, any political beliefs you have should be handled with peace and understanding of those on the opposite sides of any debates. It’s very easy with politics to fall into name calling and bullying to try to force your political thinking on others.”

“Blessings to you from Jesus Christ and God our Father”

John-Jean Johnsen

H John & Jean
Our Divided World Ministry

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