Warning to new Christians to help your faith. Are you a new Christian? WELCOME!
Who are you listening to or reading online?
As a new Christian, you will probably be speaking to a lot of people who want to give their advice and thoughts. I went through that myself, and go through it even now after being a faithful Christ follower for about 6 years. I deal with those who want to convince me to believe what they want no matter what direction it takes me, and those who think they understand the Holy Bible, and try to preach their personal beliefs. It’s not easy, but it can be easier once you understand who is who in the religious field, and what they actually believe.
Who, Why and Where Are They?
Let’s Start With The Who.
To give them simple names they are Satanist, atheists, skeptics, non-believers, Mormons, Jehovah, and god haters. These are a few of the people that will do their best to steer you clear of God and Jesus because they don’t believe the same as Christians even though they call themselves Christians.
Atheists. They don’t believe in religion, but some believe there is a God. They just don’t commit to any form of religion, the Holy bible or Jesus Christ.
Skeptics are not sure if they believe or not since they haven’t committed to making that decision, and are trying to figure it out for themselves.
Non-believers is just what it sounds like. Mostly science type of people that feel science outweighs the Holy bible even though it is filled with scientific facts known way before scientists even had the thoughts of science.
Mormons. Well, they try to tell you they accept Jesus but also have a very different God, and have a lot of rules for being a Mormon. Christ follower have no rules, only accepting Jesus and repenting of sins. I know about Mormons because I have spoken to several. These tend to be cultist.
Jehovah Witness. Similar to Mormons with their own set of rules and sinning can get you immediately excommunicated from the church instead of helping you change your ways. they also believe that Michael the archangel is Jesus. and only members of Jehovah Witness are truly saved; which the Holy bible tells us only those who believe in Jesus Christ and repent are saved. These tend to be cultist.
God Haters. these are people who believed at one time and their prayers weren’t answered; at least in their mind. So, they decided to be mad a God.
These are just some of my thoughts and understanding of the different groups mentioned above.
Next is The Why.
You are probably wondering, why don’t they believe, or why do they want you to move away from God and Jesus? Lots of reasons. I will touch on a few and they include being raised atheist, hating God because their lives didn’t go they way they wanted (but they didn’t believe or have faith anyway), being raised to believe in something other than the Holy Bible; such as the Book of Mormon or Jehovah Witness.
When you are new to anything, there are always the helpers and the deniers, both trying to get you moving in their direction. The helpers will always give you encouragement and some guidance. The deniers will tell you that you are going in the wrong direction and are not being smart or other unflattering or nasty words. this is to dissuade you form moving forward and being part of their thoughts.
Being a Christian today is not easy because there are many who will deny the Holy Bible, and Jesus, no matter what you can explain or prove to them. They are stuck in their own thinking of what they were raised to believe or whatever moved them to distance themselves from God.
They will tell you the Bible is just a storybook or a way to control the masses. Where did they learn that? From their parents or social media connections. I remember my father also said the it was to control the masses, but I also know he was angry at God because of the war he was in back in the 1940’s. I even picked up on that thought for a long time myself until I realized, like you, that I was wrong in my thinking.
The Holy Bible doesn’t want to control you, people do. That’s right. People want to control you because they have very large ego’s, and need to prove to themselves that they are right and you are wrong.
So, who is keeping the non-believers or cult members from God and the Holy Bible? Satan. Satan has a master plan for moving people away from God, and the Holy Bible by convincing them they are right and Christians are wrong. He tells them that evil is the way to really enjoy life and have a good time.
His minions speak to them everyday, and convince more and more to move away from Jesus Christ. Why? Because he convinces them that sex, drugs, gambling, lying, stealing, gossiping, etc., are they ways of the world today as in past days. And most would rather have the lust of the flesh than the peace, hope and glory of Jesus Christ. But today the world is getting darker as more and more accept the social delusions and sins of Satan.
Non-believers will also tell you that you are wrong and science has proven that there is no God. Well, science has not only proven that God does exist, but the Bible gave scientists unknowingly their direction. The Holy Bible is full of scientific facts that were eventually proven, and figured out by scientists centuries after the Holy bible was written.
However, they tend to leave these thing out of the conversations trying to change your thinking.
Another important point non-believers will avoid is about the Jews, and how they would come back to Jerusalem in record numbers, and establish it as a Jewish stat thousands of years after the are was abandoned by everyone.
This prophecy is in the Holy Bible and explains how it would happen and how the country would prosper and grow, and in 1948 Israel became a sovereign country. Surprisingly the Jewish language once abandoned became taught once again after being lost for thousands of years.
The Holy Bible is full of prophecies that came true and some to yet come true. It even tells us that life as a Christian will be hard but rewarding when Jesus Christ returns.
Another issue will or might be with other religious groups. The Mormons or Jehovah’s will want to steer you in their direction since they believe some of the Holy Bible but have chosen to change many parts of it to fit their religious agenda by their founders.
Now is Where They Are.
If you are online, there are many who will want to steer you away from your new found Christian belief and faith.
You can find them in Facebook, Instagram, and every other social networks, and some will even be subtle about conning you, so be aware, alert and ask Jesus for guidance if you are not sure. Also, surprisingly, there are many churches today that alter the Holy Bible teachings to fit their own personal agenda, or those of the elders who don’t want specific things preached such as sin, the rapture and Revelations.
Why? Because they don’t want to upset their parishioners, and lose their attendance and money, but all they are doing is denying the parishioners a true understanding of the Holy Bible and their own future.
There are also those out there who will preach that Jesus is much different than even Jesus himself tells us. These false Bible teachers would have you believe that Jesus is woke and a good buddy and friend. But Jesus tells us in the Bible that He is not a friend but a teachers, healer, guide, and rebuke to those who teach false gospels.
There are many more preachers popping up every day wanting you to join their church so they can make more money by bringing in all types of rock bands and activities to grow their church and prosper.
So, is it important for you to learn about the Holy Bible or listen to rock music in church?
Beware of TV Preachers
You are probably even familiar with the prosperity preachers such as Joel Olsteen who tells you to pray big prayers, while Jesus tells us to speak directly to God in prayer and pray for others and not ourselves only. Prosperity preachers are just feel good preachers just wanting to pull in the bucks to grow their empire (look up their wealth online if you are not sure) using the Holy Bible as a jumping off point to convince Christians they are like them.
No matter what others say to you, believe in yourself, and not their rhetoric or spiteful or nasty words to change your mind. Satan is good at convincing people they are wrong about God and Jesus Christ, but don’t let it work against you.
Jesus is the way, the life and the light. You are headed in the right direction, and need to follow your God given path to the truth of the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ. We all tend to stray off our path, but you need to be strong in your belief, and faith that you will become immovable and always will have Jesus at your side.
Those who try to sway you away from the Holy Bible should be avoided no matter who they are (including family and friends). Only true Christ followers will be there to help stay on your path, and give you strength to endure the ugliness and meanness of the world around us.
Pray daily for strength to endure the world and ask the Holy Spirit inside you to grow your faith. Once your faith is stronger no one will be able to move you because you will have the Lord Jesus at your side.
If you have any bible verse questions, comments or thoughts or prayers, please post them in the comments box or email us privately at:
“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.“
H John and Jean Johnsen
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