WONDERING? What Does Jesus Really Look Like?

Wondering? What Does Jesus Really Look Like?

I have often wondered what Jesus Christ actually looked like in His physical appearance. I remember the long hair, white faced surfer type of painting that has become a staple in many Christian homes… included mine while I was growing up.

Old Jesus Painting

The more I read the Holy Bible; I try to picture what Jesus would look like, but never managed to get a clear enough picture in my mind, even as an artist. As I continued reading and learning the Holy Bible it made me understand, that Jesus was born in the middle east of Jewish parents.

I also understood he would teach in the Jewish temple. Under temple guidelines, you had to have short hair and if you had a beard it was also to be short. This made me think the long haired, white faced images were incorrect.

Middle easterners have a darker complexion than we do as Americans. So, what WOULD Jesus look like if you put in all these parameters of: middle eastern, Jewish rabbi rules and dressing the same way?

The Bible does not explicitly describe Jesus’ physical appearance, except a small verse in Isaiah 53:2 where Jesus is described as “He has no form or comeliness; and when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him.” The only physical descriptions of Jesus, in the Bible are found in the book of Revelation, where he is described as having snow white hair, a beard, and eyes like flames of fire. However, they do not give us a clear picture of what Jesus actually looked like.

There have been many attempts to depict Jesus’ physical appearance over the centuries. However, these depictions are often based on artistic and personal biases, such as Jesus looking like an American surfer, rather than on any historical evidence. As a result, there is no one definitive image of Jesus Christ.

Most scholars believe that Jesus was a first-century Jewish man, and that he would have looked like other Jewish men of his time. This means that he would have had dark hair, brown eyes, and olive skin. He would have been of average height and build.

The fact that Jesus’ physical appearance is not described in detail suggests that his physical appearance was not important or did not stand out at all. What was important was his message, his teachings, and his actions. These are the things that make Jesus Christ a figure of such importance in the world


Of course, there are those who will say God made Him like our long haired blonde so we (Americans) could relate to Him. I have a serious problem with that type of statement. First of all, America was not even on a map. I believe God would have made Jesus to fit in with the people of His time and location. The middle east.

Then, you have the ones who believe He will appear different to other nationalities. Of course, there is a big problem with that thought. The Rapture. According to Revelations all eyes will see Him as He appears in the clouds. He appears and all eyes will see Him. There is nothing in the Holy bible that indicates He will look different to everyone.

That would not be possible, why, because many nationalities are in different countries at the same time. So, He would have to appear as many Jesus’s at one time. Imagine that confusion! There is only one Jesus, and He will appear to everyone at the same time.

As any christian know, Jesus was not the type to be showy or stand out. He was unassuming and moved with the crowds unless performing a sermon. Movies and TV shows may make Him showy, but the Holy Bible tells us differently in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If you are not sure, read the Holy Bible for yourself.

So, back to the “What would Jesus look like?” Here is an image that included the parameters mention above.


NOTE: If you have any comments, thoughts, ideas or complaints, we would love to know them. Just fill in the comments box, or email us directly at the emails below.

Blessings to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

John-Jean Johnsen

H John & Jean
Our Divided World Ministry

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