June Divine Posters Update

As everyone knows life gets in the way of things you are trying to accomplish (June Divine Posters) and get completed. You start with a plan “I am going to get this project done by the end of this week” but then life throws some unexpected road blocks in your path.

Now you have to do a little catch-up to get to your ultimate goal.

It is no different when you are working with the Holy Spirit guiding your path.

I try to set-up a schedule to complete at least one or two poster designs a day and sometimes many more. As long as I have the ideas already in my sketch book; I can get them done. Usually there is at least a months worth of ideas.

This month (July) I have at least 2 months worth on new ideas and more keep coming as expected. Sometimes slowly and other times at a somewhat frantic pace.

There are several projects going on in my home and I try to do them mostly on the weekends. But I really want to get them done so I do some work during the week.

So what’s wrong with that? Nothing except it backs me up when trying to complete the posters for the month. My goal (actually the Holy Spirits) is 30 per month or whatever number of days that month holds.

It’s like this; you make a plan and get excited that it is going to get done. But when life gets in the way it deflates your enthusiasm and now you have to get re-excited. That takes a lot of work.

So I ask the Holy Spirit to put me back on my path.

So my point. I have just finished the June Divine posters. I know it’s July but like I said “life gets in the way”. There are 30 designs so please comment if you like them or have a favorite.

I am working on July’s and have the designs sketched out. Now I get to work putting them into the finished product. Hopefully I will catch-up but that is not important as long as I stay on my path and keep designing the posters.

God’s Glory.

Our Divided World

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